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our spa treatments

The Scalp Tingler: This exhilarating head massage hits your acupressure points and sends relaxing pulsations through your whole body.  It’s a great way to reduce stress as well as tension and migraines headaches.

Nourishing Eye Pads: Soothe, refresh and reduce the puffiness from your tired eyes (this treatment helps with migraine headaches too).
Lip Masque: This award winning lip treatment will exfoliate aging dead skin from your lips and soothe with healing balm. Available in unflavored or margarita flavored.                                                   
The Busy Woman’s Facial with Warming Trend Green Tea Masque: This self-heating, Indulgent blend of herbs includes green tea, echinacea, and gingko to deep cleanse and pull the toxins out of your skin while infusing antioxidants and vitamins back into your skin leaving your face soft and smooth.
The Instant Facelift: Reveal a younger you with this clinical-strength anti-aging treatment that includes microdermabrasion and dermal line fillers for a non-toxic injectable alternative that can take 5 years off your face immediately!

Heated Neck Wrap: Remove tension from your neck and shoulders with the scents of mint, citrus, and lavender.

Instant Manicure: This amazing massage treatment will exfoliate dead skin, relieve tension and soften your skin while moisturizing and protecting your hands. Available in both herbal or a citrus/lime margarita scent.          
Extreme Repair Hand Therapy: Experience the pleasure of reflexology on your hands with this deep repair treatment that is a truly delightful experience. Soften and smooth your hands while providing a barrier against dehydration and future damage.  (Unscented or with the Luscious Hint of Lime!!)

European Foot Treatment:  Say goodbye to dry, rough feet with this incredible botanical moisture-enriched treatment.

Guided Imagery Relaxation Time: During this restorative session, you’ll be helped to relax and taken to a safe, special and soothing place in your mind that will help you to de-stress and melt away the stress in your life.  
Body Scrubs And Lotion: This scrub treatment will help your skin become more radiant and beautiful by sloughing off dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt that contributes to making your skin sallow and rough. Available in brown sugar, herbal or margarita scents.

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